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Pete Rose Is James J. Gibson


The man who has recorded more hits than anyone in the history of the game is telling us that instead of getting in a player’s head and trying to change a movement from the top down, a more effective way to elicit an adaptation and subsequently influence the movement is to create a training experience that provides a player with sensory information (visual, vestibular, auditory, and/or kinesthetic) that encourages his body to choose a more effective movement pattern.

Pete Rose Is James J. Gibson2021-04-16T18:09:51-04:00

Why It Doesn’t Take 10,000 Hours


When an athlete achieves the mobility necessary to maximize his length-tension advantages and then finds the synchronous co-contractions to fully optimize the contractile and elastic properties of his muscles, he accomplishes his goal and his body naturally wants to do that again. His natural instincts take over and he is compelled to move in the same manner again and again. When it clicks, it stays.

Why It Doesn’t Take 10,000 Hours2021-04-16T18:11:48-04:00

Is How You Learn A Skill More Important Than What You Learn?


It turns out that HOW you learn or refine a skill like hitting, throwing, or pitching is more important than WHAT you actually learn. We have emerged as an industry leader in applying this leading-edge motor learning science to baseball training.

Is How You Learn A Skill More Important Than What You Learn?2022-03-30T15:13:39-04:00

Jake Odorizzi: The Odo Solution


In 2019, Jake Odorizzi went from being a promising middle of the rotation arm to one of the best starting pitchers in baseball. Jake trained with us for more than 3 months and according to an interview he did on MLB Network, the he credits the work he did at The ARMory for his success.

Jake Odorizzi: The Odo Solution2021-04-16T18:18:30-04:00

Eccentric Biceps Is The Devil For A Throwing Athlete


Elimination or at least suppression of eccentric biceps activity is essential for protecting the labrum and the UCL. For this reason, safely and efficiently dissipating the energy of throwing through a rotational deceleration pattern is one of the seven attractors in pitching.

Eccentric Biceps Is The Devil For A Throwing Athlete2023-10-09T18:05:40-04:00

The External vs. Internal Focus Debate In Baseball Skill Acquisition


This generation baseball players big advantage is the explosion in technology we’ve seen lately, which allows us to know what a player should work on. How to get gains in the quickest manner possible is where our motor skill acquisition science approach comes into play.

The External vs. Internal Focus Debate In Baseball Skill Acquisition2021-04-16T18:22:50-04:00

Got Cut? Good.


A professional baseball player who was cut from his high school team? We see that all the time. Here is a story on one of players who made the transformation from left out to a pro closer.

Got Cut? Good.2021-04-16T18:25:50-04:00

Sullivan! Get Off The Field!


History is replete with examples of uncommon men who have found the courage to scorn their critics and their own demons of self-doubt to produce uncommon achievements. Orval and Wilbur Wright, Thomas Edison, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, and too many more to name have all faced their critics and doubters. I’m certain that at some point each of these iconic heroes was met with the same kind of pivotal moment when self-doubt threatened to dash their dreams and disrupt the trajectory of their lives, when they said ....“I can do it.”.

Sullivan! Get Off The Field!2021-04-16T18:36:01-04:00

How Kyle Gibson Earned The Best Season Of His Career and a $30 Million Contract


It has been nothing short of an honor and a privilege to work with Kyle over the past couple of years. He’ll be hard at work this winter, and if I know Kyle, the Rangers can count on him being even better than ever. His willingness to take the extraordinary step of rejecting the status quo and seeking solutions outside of mainstream baseball is a testament to his commitment to the relentless pursuit of excellence. We are proud to call Kyle Gibson a ARMory Guy!

How Kyle Gibson Earned The Best Season Of His Career and a $30 Million Contract2021-04-16T18:38:25-04:00

The Gang Leader: Self-Organization of Four Menacing Velo Robbers


In our analysis of the pitching motion, the “gang leader” is known as “The Back-Leg Attractor,” or the first move. If the first move goes awry, the body is forced to choose from one or all of four different compensatory moves to get back on track.

The Gang Leader: Self-Organization of Four Menacing Velo Robbers2021-04-16T18:39:57-04:00
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