Client Testimonials
Here’s what our clients have to say about the Florida Baseball ARMory:
Parent of a High School Player
” I honestly feel like this is the best money I’ve spent on my son’s baseball training. If knowledge is power, this has been like an 800 lb gorillas. This feels like teaching my son to fish.”
– Todd L.
Alachua, FL
High School Coach
“As a high school coach attending this weekends camp, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I have been to clinics all around the south and spoken with numerous college staffs in the past about everything that you covered this weekend. The two players that I brought (Daniel Shelton and Hays Hansford) benefited tremendously from the velocity and arm care sessions. I have to admit that I had no idea what to expect (you have to understand that I see numerous “coaches” trying to push a product or plan just to make money) when I arrived Saturday, but I was blown away by the attention to detail and individual attention. You and your staff were first class the entire weekend. I just wanted to say thank you for making this available to coaches to attend to try and create better athletes. It is definitely something that I will encourage any of my elite pitchers to consider attending.”
– Chris M.
Senatobia, MS
Academy Owner/Coach/EPBC Attendee
“It went far beyond anything I was expecting. Randy Sullivan is innovative, cutting edge and revolutionary… Great mind, great speaker, cool guy.”
– Greg S.
Danville, VA
Mother of a Camp Attendee – Occupational Therapist
“The camp was worth the investment. We came because we did everything ‘right’ according to conventional wisdom, but my son still had arm pain. Randy is the only one (as a Physical therapist and pitching expert) that could identify the potential causes of his pain and create a solution unique to him. Randy has a wealth of knowledge and is able to take complex scientific theories and explain them in a way that makes sense. He can relate well to his players and their parents because he has been both. Randy’s energy and passion for what he’s teaching is obvious.”
— Kelly C., mother and occupational therapist
Surprise, AZ
High School Player
High School Player
Parents of a High School Player
– Todd G
Jupiter, FL
Academy Owner
“I run a pitcher development program just outside of Philadelphia. We are doing everything that you are doing i.e. pain assessment, decel, connection, functional strength, mobility, etc…But I know that there is NO ONE in the country (world) doing what you are doing in the way that you do it.
You guys function at an unparalleled level… You engage your students at an emotional level, (key to motor learning) create a super-charged environment of excellence, & then pull the boys through the wormhole. What we find on the other side is life-altering opportunity.
Untold thanks for indentifying my son’s constraints & unlocking his potential. He has never been so enthused in training. I will forever sing your praises… BTW…I’ll be making adjustment in our methodologies & processes based on what you have taught me…all for the purpose of helping our boys realize their potential…”
– Jim D,
Philadelphia, PA
College Pitcher
“I came to the ARMory in August for two weeks, best decision of my baseball life thus far. Jumped from 83-89 off the mound with no arm pain!!!”
– Jordan C.
Gaenton, MI
Father of a High School Pitcher
– Matthew P.
Eustis, FL
College Pitcher
– Luke O.
Topeka, KS
Professional Pitcher
“I came to the Florida Baseball ARMory this past summer while working back from Tommy John surgery looking to regain my velocity and throw pain-free. Everyone there was extremely knowledgeable and motivating. They helped me get my velocity higher than it was before surgery and I am now pain free. Also, my command improved a ton while I was there. I definitely recommend any pitcher who is rehabbing or simply trying to get better to come to the Florida Baseball ARMory.”
– Colin Poche
Flower Mound, TX
Professional Pitcher
Father of a High School Pitcher
“My son Ryan had surgery last fall to repair an OCD lesion on his throwing elbow. Although our doctor is recognized as one of the leading authorities on the injury, and did a spectacular job of surgery to repair the elbow, neither he nor Ryan’s PT were expert enough on the mechanics of pitching to guide us on what to fix in his mechanics to avoid the injury reoccurring. With your help we modified the return to throwing program specifically for Ryan incorporating specific exercises designed to target the SOs. By doing so we got the most benefit from every throwing motion he made. Ryan was back in time for his freshman HS year throwing harder than he did before his injury and most importantly pain free.”
– Russel S.
Morrison, CO
College Pitcher
“Training at the Florida Baseball ARMory was by far the best decision I have ever made for my baseball career. Like everyone else after Tommy John surgery, I was worried about how my velocity and command would turn out. There are always a multitude of unanswered questions after any surgery, especially as a pitcher. How will I perform after I come back? Will I have my same stuff? Will I throw harder? What will happen to my off speed? How can I prevent it from happening again? What can I do to make my arm more durable? Not to mention all the other doubts you have in the back of your head during rehab. Randy Sullivan and the Florida Baseball ARMory answered everyone of my questions and then some.
The program he designed not only allowed me throw pain free, but it also made me a better pitcher at every aspect of my game. Not only did I come back sitting 91 to 92, but I was also throwing 75 to 80% strikes in my bullpens. For anyone who has had TJ, you know that’s huge!
If you want to play at the next level, and your willing to grind and work your ass off, there’s no better place to go. Like I said, it was the best decision I ever could have made.”
– Cody B.
Tampa, FL
Father of a College Player
“Thought you might like to know. Sambo signed with Alabama Saturday. You guys at the FL Baseball ARMory played a HUGE part in his opportunity to play at the next level!”
– Rob G
Shelbyville, TN
College Pitcher
“I just wanted to let you know that I have successfully walked-on and made the 35-man roster for the spring here at Auburn! I also wanted to give you and and the guys at The FL Baseball ARMory a big thanks for helping me get to this point in my career! I’m also happy to say and figured you would be happy to hear that I hit 88 off the mound in my first outing of the fall when I was 81-82 in August when I came last! Thank you again for everything you have done!”
– Kirk M.
Dothan, AL
Professional Pitcher
“The Florida Baseball ARMory changed my life. Got me drafted in the second round.”
-Tyler Danish
Valrico, FL
(Chicago White Sox)
Professional Pitcher
“Working out with Randy Sullivan is a complete career changer!”
– DJ Mitchell
Former NY Yankees Major League a Pitcher.
Professional Pitcher
” The Florida Baseball ARMory helped me make it back to the major leagues. I couldn’t have done it without them.”
– Chien-Ming Wang
Taipei, Taiwan
Major League Pitcher
College Pitcher, Team USA

“Thanks for teaching me everything I know about pitching.
– Austin B.
Windemere, FL
High School Pitcher
“Hey coach Randy, I have a success story for you. Okay you remember me when I went to your camp not too long ago right?. My top out that day was 81 mph. Well today at a showcase I sat 86-67 and topped out at 88.”
– Conner J.
Mobile, AL
Father of a High School Pitcher
“The experience at FBR was incredible. Overlapping the baseball skills required to perform at an elite level with the physical assessment of the player and then taking that information to develop an individualized workout routine is worth every penny.”
– Allen H.
Waynesboro, MS
Father of Road Show Attendee
“Good camp! Knowledgable and friendly staff. Well organized comprehensive. You really lay out a great plan individualized to each athlete. I love the ‘no cookie cutter’ approach. Excellent presentation around the process and the ‘whys’ behind it.”
– Ron R.
Duryea, PA
Father of High Schooler
“The quality of this camp is phenomenal. It combines expert physical therapy/movement knowledge and applies it to the real world of a pitcher. They also understand the difference between the ‘symptom’ and the ‘problem,’ which they share in a transparent and authentic manner. For those who are dedicated and willing to follow through, this program is a tremendous value. But, that said, we tend to get out of things that we put into them, much like most things in life.”
– Gregg J.
Bradford, CT
Father of Middle Schooler
“I will keep it simple … the entire group was amazing. Could not ask for a better experience!!! Great job!
– Darryl E.
Gettysburg, PA
Father of Player Who Attended a Camp
“So efficient, clearly this is a well planned event. Our kids are always moving and the learning doesn’t stop! Thank you for ensuring that this event is worth the time and money.”
– Doug E.
New Cumberland, PA
Father of Road Show Attendee
“The camp is highly effective. All of the boys were 100% engaged from 8 am on. They were challenged, engaged and motivated the entire camp. They worked hard and had a blast doing it! The camp was very organized! Florida Baseball ARMory’s enthusiasm for what they do and bring to the camp carries over to the boys. Love the implicit learning and attention detail. Walked away yesterday truly believing that you care about these boys. Thats what makes it so effective. ”
– Steven T.
Enola, PA
Father of a High School Player
“I have been to a lot of seminars and this is the best ever that I have attended. Love the message, keep up the good work.”
– Christopher G.
Spring City, PA
Father of a Road Show Student
” I have attended many camps/clinics and I always look for things that make sense. This makes sense.”
– Cliff B.
Strasburg, PA
Father of a High School Freshman Pitcher Road Show Attendee
“After Saturday, my kid stated, ‘I want to do this every day!’ Very educational and helpful.”
– William G.
Ivyland, PA
Father of a Road Show Attendee
“Great camp! Very effective. Loved it. Great organization of drills. I really like how impactful the camp is by tying in function success stories and videos. It gives kids inspiration. Loved the video analysis.
– Lowell C.
Cochranville, PA
Father of High School Road Show Student
“Outstanding camp. Only camp we have ever attended that provided complete individual assessment, drills and training backed by science, and individual action plan for each participant.”
– Carl T.
Gettysburg, PA
November 2016 Camp Attendee
“Randy Sullivan is fun to listen to. He gets his point across and is funny. He is a lot of excitement and that carries on to the players.”
– Kyle S.
Plantation, FL
High School Camper
“Be prepared to be open to a new way of pitching/a better way to gain velo.”
– Andres R.
Melbourne, FL
Elite Performers Boot Camp Attendee
“This camp is worth your time and money. It will help you stay healthy and increase velo.”
– Jacob S.
Arlington, TN
Road Show Dad
“I wanted to thank you and your staff for an incredible weekend. Just not enough time to sit here and tell you how much of an impact you made on my son. In this crazy world, we live in now, we can get paralysis by analysis so very easily. But you made understanding the road to success so much clearer and we cannot thank you enough for that.”
– Jeff C,
New Cumberland, PA
Road Show Mom
” We were so impressed with Randy Sullivan and his wonderful team of coaches!! This was by far the best baseball training that we have ever attended. Worth every penny spent. We learned so much valuable informatio
– Michelle G.
Gettysburg, PA
Get started by calling, our CFO/COO Amy, at 866-787-4533.
We’ll see you at The ARMory.

Randy Sullivan, MPT, CSCS CEO, Florida Baseball ARMory