After years of research, collaboration and practical application, renowned pitching instructors and authors, Randy Sullivan, MPT and Alan Jaeger have collaborated to revitalize the traditional return to throwing program for players recovering from ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) reconstruction. Combining a collective of over 50 years of baseball and medical experience, the duo has masterfully crafted the Jaeger/Sullivan Return to Throwing From Tommy John Surgery Manual & Schedule.

This optimized program for returning to the throwing process in the safest and most effective way for a player to regain and exceed their prior levels of performance.

The goal of our Throwing Manual & Schedule is to give you a great deal of clarity up front so that you can optimize the entire return to throwing process in the safest and most effective way. For this reason, in addition to the actual Throwing Schedule, we have also included a number of other resources, including a Note Section, a Glossary of Terms, Videos, Ancillary Programs, and a Questionnaire (regarding your pre-surgery throwing routine). We want you to be as educated and clear as to the meaning and purpose behind everything we do, and ultimately, you do. We’ve also gone into great detail to ensure that this entire process is user-friendly and adaptable to your individual needs. Please be sure to go over each of these sections a few times so that you are abundantly clear as to their meaning and purpose before starting the Throwing Schedule.