Covariation in Pitching: Leveraging the Power of Joint Coupling and Optimal Length to Maximize Performance and Mitigate Injury Risk
In the world of biomechanics and motor control, few concepts [...]
Self-Organization: Training's Secret Sauce
In baseball and sports in general, athletes and coaches are [...]
The Critical Role of The IT Band in Pitching
For high level performance and safety in pitching, the pelvis [...]
Embracing Variability in Pitcher Training: The Key to Performance and Injury Prevention
When I was raising my three sons, I had [...]
Authentic Extension and the Secrets of the Pelvis
Let’s dive deep into the concept of extension in pitching. [...]
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How To Throw 95 Without Getting Hurt
You need to throw harder. If you want a chance you’ve got to be up around 95 mph. We can help download this TOTALLY FREE E-book and let us guide you safely down the path to 95. We’ve done it many times before. We can do it with you.
The Top 4 Ways Pitchers Become Disconnected
Throwing at a superior level is about being “connected”. When a delivery is connected all the body parts are acting in timing and synergy with one another. Every part is playing its proper role and performing in concert with all the other body parts…and those parts are operating around a stable spine.
Eccentric Biceps Is The Devil For A Throwing Athlete
Elimination or at least suppression of eccentric biceps activity is essential for protecting the labrum and the UCL. For this reason, safely and efficiently dissipating the energy of throwing through a rotational deceleration pattern is one of the seven attractors in pitching.
Got Cut? Good.
A professional baseball player who was cut from his high school team? We see that all the time. Here is a story on one of players who made the transformation from left out to a pro closer.
Is How You Learn A Skill More Important Than What You Learn?
It turns out that HOW you learn or refine a skill like hitting, throwing, or pitching is more important than WHAT you actually learn. We have emerged as an industry leader in applying this leading-edge motor learning science to baseball training.