What Makes The Florida Baseball ARMory The Right Fit For You?
Last week one of the Physical Therapists in our clinic, Sullivan Rehab Services, was on vacation so I subbed, in seeing patients from 7 am to 12 pm a few days to cover it.
About two years ago, our CFO/COO, Amy Marsh, made the brilliant business decision to fire me from the clinic. I still loved treating patients but she knew where my passion was. Besides, we were getting so busy training baseball players that there was barely enough time to be in both places.
Working in the clinic last week reminded me of something that makes the Florida Baseball ARMory special — our medical background, which serves as the backdrop of all training decisions.
Players want to get better … Who doesn’t?
But a 90+ mph fastball on the operating table doesn’t help anyone.
The problem is, there is so much information out there that deciding on the right plan can be like driving on a dirt road at night, in a rainstorm, with broken wipers.
When you attend the Complete Game Summer Training Program at The Florida Baseball ARMory it’s our job to wipe that windshield clean by working with you to develop a training plan that gives you a clear vision of the road ahead.
But, we won’t stop there. After your on-site training experience is over, we’ll also provide you with step-by-step, day-by-day instructions that will serve as the headlights to light your way forward.
We’ll even throw in a military grade GPS navigation system so you’ll never be lost.
And to ensure your safety and success as you continue your journey toward greatness, like On-Star, we’ll always be just a phone call away if you should run into any trouble.
Working in the clinic last week reminded me of one of the key components of the FBA training process, The Baseball ARMory Assessment Tool (BAAT).
For over 8 years now, we’ve used our multi-layered assessment as the anchor point for the hyper-individualization of training that has been the hallmark of our effectiveness.
In our physical therapy practice, if you start treatment without an assessment, they call it malpractice and fraud.
Yet, many popular training programs do just that.
We use the BAAT to assess every student as the first order of business when they walk through the door. It has been a good tool. However, at the Baseball ARMory good is not good enough. We want to be great!
The BAAT is about to become GREAT!
Most of you know I’m an addicted learner. So, recently, after a suggestion from my friends, Flint Wallace and Ron Wolforth at The Texas Baseball Ranch, I completed a certification in a new movement analysis system known as 3DMAPS. We’ll be integrating into our assessment starting Monday.
We’ll also be using this improved assessment tool during The FBA Complete Game Summer Training Program.
The 3D BAAT will allow us to rapidly assess mobility AND stability in upright postures. The resultant movement enhancement exercises will simultaneously develop mobility, strength, control, and coordination while allowing individualized variability progressions.
We can’t wait to share it with you.
Another thing that separates the Baseball ARMory training process from most is our understanding of how humans learn movement skills.
As physical therapists, one of our primary jobs is to teach human movement. We do it every day.
Teaching someone recovering from a stroke to walk again isn’t much different from teaching a baseball player how to throw more powerfully, more accurately, and more durably.
The process is known as motor learning.
If you study the science of motor learning (and we have), you understand that there are proven best practices that can ensure that a) the learning happens rapidly and b) that it transfers to improved performance where it matters the most.
Mainstream coaching tends to rely heavily on antiquated, ineffective verbal cues that only interfere with the learning. Our approach is different.
A few years back, at a TBR Coaches Boot Camp, I had the pleasure of meeting Frans Bosch, a motor learning and biomechanics expert from The Kingdom of The Netherlands. At the time, the Dutch were 10-20 years ahead of the rest of the world in this area and Frans was considered the best of the best.
It was a game changer that ignited me to begin feverishly studying everything I could possibly find on motor control, coordination and performance.
That led to a relationship that has further enhanced my understanding and I am pleased and honored to announce that the Dutch Baseball Olympic Committee has invited me to work with their coaches, medical staff, and players.
In 3 weeks I will be flying to Amsterdam for 5 days to learn, exchange ideas and teach them our processes for arm care, conditioning, rehabilitation and arm pain management.
I am 100% certain I’ll come back with dozens of new ideas for helping our students develop elite level velocity, laser targeted command and filthy, un-hittable secondary stuff – all while conditioning their arms and bodies to be healthy robust, resilient, and durable.
But, I won’t be able to share any of this with you if you don’t stop reading.
Get started by calling, our CFO/COO Amy, at 866-787-4533.
We’ll see you at The ARMory.

Randy Sullivan, MPT, CSCS CEO, Florida Baseball ARMory