Athleticism is king.
Nearly everyone involved in player development will agree.
Better athletes make better players.
Better athletes make better teams.
Better athletes win championships.
Most coaches recognize athleticism when they see it, but they can’t truly define what it is.
When asked to build athleticism, we deflect the responsibility to the S&C community’s historically flawed pursuit of vague, non-transferrable traits like
“strength”, “speed”, “power”, or “explosiveness”.
When those endeavors fail to produce the desired results, others merely shrug their shoulders and default to the hazy explanation of “genetics.”
Along with our Dutch friends from Strength of Skill, The Florida Baseball ARMory is proud to present the third annual
Baseball Skill Acquisition Summit
This year’s theme: Athleticism of W.A.R. (Wins Against Replacement).
Emerging information in movement science is revealing that with the right information, an innovative approach, and a keen eye for observation, coaches can lift the fog.
We can evaluate, identify, quantify, measure, and develop athleticism.
In Lakeland, FL on October 23rd and 24th, at the 2021 Baseball Skill Acquisition Summit, we’ll demystify athleticism.
This two-day extravaganza will empower you with the knowledge and real-world practical
tools you need to develop individual athleticism in pitching, hitting, fielding, throwing, and base running.
We’ll also give you a clear template for scaling a multi-disciplinary process to any team or organization at any level.
Who should attend?
Skill coaches, SCCs, athletic trainers, physical therapists, data analysts, front office staff, or
anyone with a hand or interest in any aspect of the player development process.
Registrations are rolling in every hour, and the venue, Lakeland’s Hilton Garden Inn, has limited space.
When the seats are full (which truly could happen at any time), we’ll be forced to shutdown the website and lock the doors.
You don’t want to miss out on this incredible opportunity to load your tool box and revolutionize the level of impact you can have on your players and your organization.
Jump over to floridabaseballarmory.com/summit or call us at 866-787-4533.
Move fast. Spots are going quick and we have no plans to livestream it or record the event for later distribution.
We can’t wait to see you at The Summit.

Randy Sullivan, MPT, CSCS CEO, Florida Baseball ARMory